Best Money Lenders to found in Asia


In comparison to all other continents located on Earth, Asia is known and claimed to be the largest one. This place is home to millions of people and is the main base for over 48 countries. Unfortunately, Asians were still discriminated against for their appearance and race in the past despite how big the continent’s area size. Since these people have darker tones of skin, shorter heights, and an uncivilized lifestyle, Europeans, Westerners, and other foreigners have dominated them, occupied their lands, and even categorized them among the slaves and entertainers.

Best Money Lenders to found in Asia

However, after everything that had happened, Asians didn’t lose hope ad continued moving forward with their lives. Right now, Asia isn’t just known for its size but is also known to hold some of the most successful countries in the world which include India, China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. These said places have captivating tourist’s attractions, mouth-watering delicacies, and one-of-a-kind cultures. Moreover, the success of these places isn’t just because of their sceneries but is also because of the great governance they have. With the help of the leading sectors, the safety and security of the people roaming within these countries were assured. The demands and accommodation of the public were also prioritized giving birth to some institutions that provide services related to the said circumstances.

To be specific, listed among the Best Money Lender Singapore, compiled below are some of the most reliable money lenders in Asia. As an overview, these types of establishments provide solutions to financially-challenged people; and to know more about their information, visit the Lender SG Homepage.

Singapore’s Funding Societies

The financial institute, the Funding Societies involves an online system as their main medium during transactions. This is the middle man because this company lets the client connect with institutional lenders through SMEs. This is a type of private limited financial institution that engages in escrow agent for the sole purpose of having independence secured management of the investor’s funds. Locally known as Modalku in Indonesia, this has crossed over S$1 billion loans for just the year 2019 which made it the largest platform in the said region.

China’s CreditEase

CreditEase is one of the biggest peer-to-peer lending companies in China. Established last 2006, this is a microfinance platform that serves millions of individual investors, farmers, students, business owners, and working professionals within more than 96 rural areas and 232 cities in China. This has also raised US$80 million funds to buy loans offered by Avant Inc. and Prosper Marketplace Inc. with a price of US$50 million. Furthermore, CreditEase is the parent institution of the Yirendai, an online lending platform, which was claimed as one of the major IPOs in Asia.

Malaysia’s Crowdo

A fintech company, Crowdo offers great financial solutions which include peer-to-business lending and equity crowdfunding. Although this just had its launching last 2013 in the country of Malaysia, the company was still able to become one of the largest crowdfunding institutions in the region. With more than 20,000 members and branches all across Asia, Crowdo has provided solutions to the financial struggles of its million clients.


WeLab is the main company for the businesses, the and the Wolaidai. Headquartered in Hong Kong, the company was just founded last 2013 and is supported by some of the leading investors in Asia like the Sequoia Capital and Li Ka-Shing’s TOM Group. Moreover, WeLab was able to build its branches within the vicinities of India and China and has accumulated over US$160 million funding coming from Guangdong Technology Financial Group, KhazanahNasionalBerhad, ING Bank, and other more investors. Through this, the financial company was able to have more clients and be claimed as one of the leading finance companies works within the system of the Internet in Asia.


Asians have been through a lot. Yet, despite all the misfortunes, they were able to pave their way up and continue to create names among the bests. With the help of the governance from each country’s leading sectors, a lot of places were able to succeed in the field of tourism and business industry. With proper accommodation for the satisfaction and safety of both the locals and travelers, these cities were able to maintain the trust and assurance of the people while continuing in expanding their prosperity.

As an example, people who happen to experience problems with their finances could ask help from financial institutions as some of the Best Money Lender Singapore. These companies promise to provide services that could resolve people’s problems by lending them certain amounts of money. And for people who are still curious and have questions about how these transactions occur, they could visit the Lender SG Homepage as a basis for their answers.

Post Author: admin

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