How Freelance Writer Can Land Jobs If Not Making Any Money


As a freelance writer, sometimes it can seem that you’re only as good last project you completed for a client. The hunt is constantly on for the next gig. This is particularly true if you’re a new freelance writer who’s just trying to establish herself.

If you’ve been marketing like a madwoman for the next writing job, and you have $0 to market with, and you’ve exhausted all the free and low-cost strategies you know about, you may be wondering, what else can I do?

I’ve been a freelance writer since 2010 and have been in this situation countless times. I receive emails from frustrated freelancers all the time who find themselves in this position. Following is a typical email. A freelance writer wrote to me expressing her disenchantment.


Perhaps there is a missing link in my marketing, I don’t know. I see my fellow writers whom I correspond with on various social media platforms, and most of them are making six-figures or either pretty close to it. I’m trying all I can to get more revenue, however, it seems like no matter what I do, no one is buying (or they want my services for $5 and that’s not going to happen).

Well, I try to be pretty much optimistic and I see people in my field who are very successful. In my opinion, the actual question is, “When you are providing your business everything it needed or you got and you are still not seeing the results you desire, what you would do? And what are the steps that you have personally taken if you come across that situation”


There are so many reasons a freelance writer may not be landing assignments that it’s impossible to give an across-the-board answer, but the following are two areas to assess. Reminder: Don’t stop marketing; never stop marketing!

  1. Rates: Are you charging too much or too little. Most get the “too much” thing, but charging too little can be just as harmful when trying to land jobs.

Why? Because some clients may see you as “too cheap;” hence lacking in skills and the ability to turn out a good copy.

2. Service Offerings:  Are you offering the services that your target market wants and needs. This is critical.

Also look at if you offer too many services (can make you seem scattered), or too few services (some clients want a “one-stop, freelance writing shop”).

It’s a fine line you walk when it comes to service offerings. Paying attention to things like how much of which services you sell, and how often clients request services that you don’t offer can clue you in as to which services you can be successful with.

For example, when I first started SEO writing, I offered only SEO articles (NOT blog posts, NOT SEO press releases, NOT article submission, etc.. Now, my SEO writing firm offers almost anything a client would need in this area.

These are just two things you can look at if you’re trying to land more freelance writing jobs without much success. The bottom line is when your marketing is not working – and you’ve been doing it consistently – then it’s time to turn your attention to your actual business (e.g., your freelance writing rates, your services offerings, your web design, etc.).

Post Author: admin

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